Plugin Name: Hustle Author:Victor Ivanov (Incsub), Robert Setiadi (Incsub), Diobeth Ray Villasencio (Incsub), Leighton Sapir (Incsub), Irene Mitchell (Incsub) Change Log: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - 2017-08-22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Improved ConstantContact Integration. 2.1.5 - 2017-08-15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Improved HubSpot integration. - Improved Mautic integration. - Fixed Custom Content js errors on frontend. 2.1.4 - 2017-08-09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - New HubSpot integration (static list). - Improved ConstantContact integration. - Improved InfusionSoft integration. - Improved AWeber integration. - Improved Mautic integration. - Improved SendInBlue integration. - Improved Opt-in when provider not set but uses "Save Emails to local list". - Fixed Opt-in signup button not showing on some layouts. - Fixed Custom Content front-end JavaScript errors. - 2017-07-31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Improved compatibility with PHP 5.2 and 5.3. - Improved the display for MailChimp Groups on frontend. - 2017-07-24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Improved API Connection Security for Integrations 2.1.3 - 2017-07-10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - New SendInBlue integration. - Added "Load More" button for MailChimp lists. - Fixed MailChimp integration issues. - Fixed custom colors issues on social sharing admin wizard. - Fixed media queries break custom css. 2.1.2 - 2017-05-31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed Custom Content conflict with Page Builder by SiteOrigin. - Fixed MailChimp integration issues. - Fixed ActiveCampaign integration issues. 2.1.1 - 2017-05-23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated MailChimp integration and used their 3.0 API. - Updated "show less than" display condition and now works even "tracking" is off. - Updated listing page on each module to show shortcode on shortcode type. - Fixed activating Hustle on Multisite re-directs to an error. - Fixed IE styles on admin wizards. - Fixed IE issues on admin wizards. - Fixed conflict with Caldera Forms. - Fixed Pop-up "on click" trigger does not do preventDefault. - Fixed activating any plugin will redirect a Hustle user to Hustle. - Fixed Social Sharing wizard style issues. - Fixed Custom Content images not responsive. - Fixed Opt-in able to create duplicate additional fields. - Fixed IE issues when previewing Opt-in on admin. - Fixed Social Sharing issue: disabling "click counter" still shows counter numbers. - Fixed close button does not act as 'Never see this message again'. - Fixed Pop-up scroll issue. 2.1 - 2017-04-27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - New social sharing module. - New mautic integration. - New module dashboard for empty modules. - New settings dashboard for empty modules. - New toggle option for tracking views and conversion for each module. - New error log list for opt-in module. - New option to add new fields for opt-in module. - New validation for opt-in submission. - New option to edit opt-in submit button. - New "after_content" preview type for custom content module. - New settings link in plugin list. - Fixed "Hide all slide in messages for user" option is not working. - Fixed custom content widget/shortcode layout doesn't have styles. - Fixed clicking on any field in slide-in opt-in closes it, can't enter information. - Fixed using form submit setting "Refresh or Close" causes custom content slide-in to refresh endlessly. - Fixed custom content module "custom css" not rendering on preview. - Fixed popup show less than (display condition) not working. - Fixed "NextGen Gallery" compatibility. - Fixed "Beaver Builder" conflict. - Fixed email service fields are not enabled/disabled correctly on opt-in module. - Fixed IE issues. - Fixed custom css issue with @media. - Fixed custom content module not appearing on appearance/widget. - Fixed "Embed Any Document" compatibility. - Fixed "Contact Form 7" compatibility. - Fixed html content is getting stripped on custom content module. - Fixed Hustle not filtering by tag. - Fixed custom content module "custom css" doesn't recognize html tags. - 2017-03-16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Custom content slide-in not showing on frontend. 2.0.3 - 2017-03-15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add: ConvertKit integration. - Add: Custom post type support. - Add: Auto-enable Opt-in shortcode and widget when creating new one - Improved structure, events and performance when showing modals. - Improved UI by using sprites instead of icon fonts. - Fix: In a specific Country display condition is not working. - Fix: Slide in Trigger shortcode button doesn't work. - Fix: Page scrolled option on optin. - Fix: Minify issue conflict with W3 Total Cache. - Fix: MailChimp lists have a hover effect. - Fix: Custom content form submission. - Fix: Popup overflowed height. - Fix: Never see again option behavior. - Fix: Issues with Hustle on mobile. - Fix: Extra content showing on hustle custom content. - Fix: E-newsletter integration issues. - Fix: Hustle breaks Backer Theme. - Fix: On Opt-in listing, shortcode toggle not saved persistently. - Fix: Unsaved content warning after saving individual creation steps. - Fix: Youtube continues to play when popup is closed. 2.0.2 - 2017-03-01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add: ActiveCampaign provider. - Add: Opt-in success message control options. - Add: Custom Content name checker. - Improved Display Settings for all modules, hide condition labels if not enabled. - Improved Dashboard responsive styles. - Improved Dashboard Modules Overview Widget responsive styles. - Improved Dashboard Welcome Back Widget responsive styles - Improved Dashboard Stats Widget responsive styles - Fix: Default overlay background not transparent on opt-in modules. - Fix: The lines overlap chart on dashboard page. - Fix: Border picking up the hover property from links. - Fix: No Way to Change Featured Image - Fix: Typo in Custom Content Display Setting panel - Fix: Typo in Opt In Editor in test mode - Fix: Initial welcome message should only be displayed once in dashboard page. - Fix: Close button not working on New Welcome Dashboard - Fix: Custom content popup triggers, the input number isn't working for "Time" trigger. - Fix: Opt-in Wizard Custom CSS, styles are being applied regardless of toggle button status. - Fix: Opt-in overlay mask background color doesn't applies correctly. - Fix: Opt-in, prevent closing button from showing if opt-in displays "after content" or as "widget" or as "shortcode". - Fix: Opt-ins successful message does not show if set to Auto Close. - Fix: Opt-in some custom colors are not working. - Fix: Opt-in, on wizard the wysiwyg editor is overlapping other options. 2.0.1 - 2017-02-08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add: Consistent color assignment for modules in top 5 conversion graph. - Changed: Top 5 conversion table is now sorted by conversions in the last 30 days. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0.0 - 2017-02-02 - Add: Major redesign for better user experience. - Add: New Custom Content module. - Add: New Opt-in module wizard. - Add: New Dashboard page. - Add: New Settings page. - Add: New top conversions table. - Add: New top conversions graph. - Add: Grouped color in palette customization. - Add: Optional action button to custom URL in Custom Content module. - Add: Opt-in module can be used as shortcode in Custom Content module. - Add: Choices of auto responsive size or custom size for Custom Content. - Add: Separated save button when creating or editing module. - Add: Categories criteria in Display Conditions. - Add: Tags criteria in Display Conditions. - Add: Posts criteria in Display Conditions. - Add: Pages criteria in Display Conditions. - Add: Modules Overview in Dashboard. - Improved module preview. - Improved list of modules behavior. - Fix: Pop up on exiting page. - Fix: PHP fatal error in certain condition. - Fix: PHP 5.3 compatibility. - Fix: Does not accept emails with "-" in the domain. - Fix: Email registration issue. - Fix: Overlapping elements in IE11. - Fix: 'close button acts as never seen again' not working. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.2 - 2016-11-03 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Add: Sync existing subscriptions in local collection to eNewsletter 1.1.1 - 2016-10-28 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Add: e-Newsletter integration Fix: In and out animations for Slide-ins 1.1 - 2016-10-25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Add: Local data collection feature Add: Download local subscriptions data as CSV Add: Infusionsoft integration Add: Mad Mimi integration Fix: Exit intent after scrolling the page Fix: Popup success message not hiding if no out animation is added Fix: Issue with title CSS selector Fix: Message editor not working in some browser versions 1.0.2 - 2016-09-22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Add: GetResponse integration Add: Sendy integration Add: New feature to trigger Pop Ups & Slide Ins on click Add: New feature to trigger Pop Ups & Slide Ins on AdBlock detection Add: New feature to trigger Pop Ups & Slide Ins on User Leave Intent Add: Redesigned Trigger interface for Pop Ups & Slide Ins Add: Form input animation control options Fix: Pop Up and Slide In closing-opening animations 1.0.1 - 2016-09-08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add: Constant Contact integration - Add: MailChimp Interest Group integration - Add: Image style options - Add: Style amendments and field icon animations - Fix: Conditional adding of templates in frontend - Fix: After content not working in Upfront - Fix: Styling issues in admin and frontend 1.0 - 2016-08-16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - First public release 537045-1506504195