Plugin Name: WPMU Dev code library Author: Philipp Stracker, Marcin Pietrzak Change Log: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0.4 JS - Added check is function "el.wpmuiSelect" to avoid JavaScript errors. 3.0.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- JS - Improved scripts to be compatible wit select2 v4. 3.0.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PHP - Improve performance of initial module loading - Change library function from `lib2()` to `lib3()` - Add a P3P header so IE stores session data - Remove deprecated function `lib3()->translate_plugin()` - Remove deprecated function `lib3()->html->message()` - Add convenience function `lib3()->is_false()` - Rename `lib3()->html->plugin_list()` to `addon_list()` - Hide the "Details" link for disabled add-ons in the addon-list JS - Big improvements to the `wpmUi.popup()` function (templates, custom css, ...) - Add WordPress-like hook integration `wpmUi.add_action()`, `wpmUi.do_action()`, ... - Update select2 library from v3.5 to v4.0 - Remove tiny-scrollbar JS library CSS - Update fontawesome library from v4.2 to v4.4 - Update jQuery UI CSS from v1.10.4 to v1.11.4 - Add animate.css library v3.4 Migration notes - Rename `lib2()` to `lib3()` - Remove `->ui->add('scrollbar')`, add custom solution via CSS - Remove `->translate_plugin` with direct locationzation code - Replace `->html->message` with `->ui->admin_message` - Replace `->html->plugin_list` with `->html->addon_list` = v 3.0 ============================================================== 2.0.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix bug with wpmui.popup contents 2.0.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix javascript collision with ACF Pro plugin - New js element wpmuUi.progressbar() - New function lib2()->convert() - lib2()->ui->admin_message() has new styles and discardable mode - lib2()->html->element() regards class for hidden fields - lib2()->html->element() can handle new HTML5 input types: number, url, email, time, search - lib2()->html->element() radio-slider element can get special class 'reverse' - lib2()->html->element() has a new attribute called 'wrapper_class' - lib2()->html->plugin_list() only displays the Details link if details are present - lib2()->debug has many small improvements 2.0.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix errors when running side by side with older version - Add new function handlers to the JS popup: wpmUi.popup().on() and .off() 2.0.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Massive refactoring of the file and code structure - Added new functions - Much better documentation of the library - Great improvements in the debugger output = v 2.0 ============================================================== 1.1.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Improve the wpmUi.popup() object 1.1.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix issue where js/css files were not loaded in front-end - Several small code improvements 1.1.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix a PHP warning in html plugin_list - Improve the way javascripts and script-data is loaded in pages - Integrate new UI collections: 'fontawesome', 'jquery-ui' 1.1.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add new HTML helper component: WDev()->html - Add new HTML function: WDev()->html->plugin_list() - Add new function to download files: WDev()->file_download() - Internal improvements 1.0.17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix issue where scripts were not loaded in some cases 1.0.16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix error on servers that run older version than PHP 5.3 1.0.15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add new session storage functions: WDev()->store_add(), store_get() - Add JS wpmUi.binary object to base-64 encode/decode data 1.0.14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add support for popup-classes (JS) - Add JS confirmation dialog: wpmUi.confirm() - Add new PHP functions to sanitize missing array keys: WDev()->load_fields() - Add new PHP debugging function: WDev()->debug() 1.0.13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Migrate project to grunt - Add support for wp-config option: define('WDEV_UNMINIFIED', true) - Fix javascript issue with dynamic form submit in WpmUiAjaxData 1.0.12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix issue with duplicate markup of cloned multiselect elements. - Make JS auto-init optional by checking body class 'no-auto-init'. 1.0.11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed z-index of overlay and popup window (fixes issues in Firefox) - Fixed issue with dropdown lists that didn't close properly. - Fixed loading of plugin translations. - Add support for multiselect lists with ajax source. 1.0.10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed z-index of select2 dropdown list (fixes issues of multiselect in tickbox) 1.0.9 - 2014-08-15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add the UI files 'vnav': WDev()->add_ui( 'vnav' ); - Fix bug that happened when enqueuing the very first script/style using WDev() 1.0.8 - 2014-08-12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Methods now must be called via "WDev()->method()" and not "TheLib::method()". - Situations when plugins include different versions of the library are resolved correctly now. 1.0.7 - 2014-07-28 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Make message() persitent: Message is displayed even after redirect - add_js() and add_css() now accept a script-alias instead of url to load core WordPress scripts. - New function TheLib::current_url() 1.0.6 - 2014-07-21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - New javascript function "wpmUi.obj()": Convert JS array to object. 1.0.5 - 2014-07-11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix buddypress warning caused by calling get_current_user_id too early. - Add new parameter to ajax().load_http() to specify the target frame. - Change function name "load_textlang" to "translate_plugin" - Fix issues with url translation (css_url / js_url) 1.0.4 - 2014-07-10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix warning about static functions. 1.0.3 - 2014-07-09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Support for Windows server (fixes javascript errors) 1.0.2 - 2014-07-09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Correct the "pointer" function to dismis pointers correctly. 1.0.1 - 2014-07-09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - PHP 5.2 compatibility 1.0 - 2014-07-01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - First version. 537045-1506504195